Are you looking for vegan female bodybuilders to keep you motivated? Then prepare to be inspired!
This post contains x vegan female bodybuilders with not only amazing physiques but also admirable ethics and personalities to remind you why you started your vegan fitness journey.
While veganism is growing rapidly, we are still a minority and even more when it comes to people who share the same passion for fitness and bodybuilding.
This is why it is great to have role models who are proof of what one can achieve with a plant-based diet and discipline.
Vegan Female Bodybuilders
1. Leonore Verheijen

24-year-old Leonore Verheijen, also known as @carbsforthought is a vegan bodybuilder from The Netherlands who did her first physique competition when she was only 20.
Working as a personal trainer, Leonore is no stranger to the fitness and bodybuilding world but it wasn’t until when she went vegan and encountered some negativity around it that she decided to compete to help spread the message of veganism and help combat the prejudices.
‘Bodybuilding and running competitions never occurred to me, but once I went vegan (three years ago) and the sounds around veganism were still very negative in the gym, I decided to prove otherwise...I want to show the fitness world what you can do with your body as a vegan. Vegans are not all tree huggers.”
2. Stefanie Moir

Stefanie Moir, aka “Naturally Stefanie” is a vegan fitness trainer, cookbook author, fitness influencer and entrepreneur with has an engaging Instagram account full of fitspo, recipes, home workouts, and sneak peeks into her lifestyle.
She works with some major fitness brands and has recently launched her own online membership with challenges that include training guides and a plant-based diet.
I switched to a plant-based lifestyle over 5 and a half years ago and at that time got more and more interested in fitness, especially weight training. At that time the myth around vegans not getting enough protein and that they couldn’t reach their fitness goals in the same way as those on a carnivorous diet was definitely strong. I decided to document my journey on my blog before starting to make videos online too.
3. Lilian Aguilar

Lilian Aguilar @liliandaguilar is a Mexican plant-based nutritionist and personal trainer who has been vegan for more than 16 years. She is also a Nutrition Science student at the University of Nevada Las Vegas.
Besides her works as an activist and fitness model and bikini competitor, she is passionate about women’s rights and is a spokeswoman for the Women In Need Foundation.
“I am a big advocate for living an energized and passionate life…Just consuming a whole-foods, plant-based diet is going to give you all the nutrition that you need, and it is going to be really inexpensive.”
4. Kim Constable

Kim Constable is famously known as @thesculptedvegan by her growing base of loyal followers. She was previously a stay-at-home mom and yoga teacher who decided to get into bodybuilding when she was 37.
Kim now shares her knowledge and experience through online training programs and has built a 7-figure-business around her personal brand. If you are into vegan bodybuilding and entrepreneurship, Kim is definitely someone to look up to.
I became a vegetarian 12 years ago, becoming vegan just over two years ago. Prior to that, the only animal product I ate was eggs. I don’t drink milk and haven’t eaten any dairy products for about eight years after reading The China Study by T Colin Campbell (the book is a scientific study on the links between dairy and cancer) when I was 19. I discovered the book when I was at my aunt’s summer house in Cloughey. It changed my life.
5. Jehina Malik

Jehina Malik @ifbbjehinamalik1 is the 1st IFBB Pro athlete who has been vegan since birth. Jehina has been competing in bodybuilding since age 19 and is now the longest-running IFBB Pro vegan athlete.
In 2013 she won first place in women’s physique and first overall at the NPC Eastern USA Bodybuilding Championship. In 2014 at her first international show, Team Universe, she was awarded a Pro Card by IFBB. making history as she was the first-ever bodybuilder who has been vegan since birth to receive it.
“Being raised vegan was second nature for me and my five other siblings as being vegan was the only way of life we knew of…What motivates me to continue being vegan is proving to the world that you can be strong and healthy without eating animals. I’m living proof!”
6. Crissi Carvalho

Crissi Carvalho a.k.a. veganfitnessmodel is an Australian vegan athlete and fitness model. She shares healthy and nutritious vegan meals, along with her daily workouts. Crissi also coaches and creates training programs for people wanting to get fit and healthy.
She has been in the fitness industry since she was 16 but it wasn’t until she was 38 that she switched to a plant-based diet motivated by a cancer scare and the loss of her best friend to cancer when he was also 38.
I spent 12 years in personal training with the traditional diets and training methods which left me with some eating disorders and a negative mindset in my 20s. At 42 after almost 10 years out of the industry, and having re-educated myself, I decided to get back into the fitness industry in order to educate people about the benefits of plant-based nutrition–nature’s real wholefood.
7. Victoria Lissack

Victoria Lissack @victoria_lissack is a vegan bodybuilder and figure competitor that left her job as a London lawyer to become a figure athlete. On her Instagram account, she shares her daily workouts, meals as well as her challenges like getting her ACL torn and going through surgery.
Victoria started her career as a bodybuilder while eating an omnivore diet but has switched to veganism since January 2016.
I went vegan in 2016, so I eat a 100% plant-based diet – – I focus on high-quality foods, choose simple whole foods wherever possible and make sure my diet includes plenty of protein and good fat.
8. Bianca Taylor

Bianca Taylor @biancataylorfitness is a vegan certified personal trainer, also certified in plant-based nutrition. She went vegan in 2014, after competing in back-to-back bikini bodybuilding competitions and struggling with anorexia.
In her fitness account, she shares her workouts, plant-based recipes, and motivational thoughts. She is also an artist, a podcast host, a women’s empowerment coach, and an entrepreneur with 3 companies under her belt including her vegan supplements, Vedge.
“One day while cooking chicken, I looked down at my puppy and had a realization that changed my life. I suddenly lost my appetite and began researching a plant-based diet. I was shocked by all of the information I can across about the agriculture industry. I went vegan that day and decided to dive into learning about plant-based nutrition.”
9. Dani Taylor

Dani Taylor @veganproteins is a vegan figure competitor, champion, and business owner. She is the co-founder of, a nonprofit organization of vegan athletes who compete together to raise awareness for veganism and money for rescued animals.
Dani grew up eating a diet made of predominantly processed foods and very little produce. When she was 16 years old, she reached 210 pounds despite becoming a vegetarian at age 12. After going vegan at age 17, she began to lose weight and take her health into her own hands. She found strength training and began to learn more about proper nutrition and never went back.
Helping people become more confident in themselves via exercise and a healthy diet and mindset is what motivates me on a daily basis. I believe in honoring your body by treating it well and listening to it, while simultaneously challenging it and never becoming stagnant.
10. Samantha Shorkey

Samantha Shorkey @samshorkey is the first-ever vegan world naturals bikini Pro passionate about fitness and promoting a plant-based lifestyle. She is also an ACE-certified personal trainer and certified Weight Management Specialist.
Samantha is also a bikini coach, blogger, podcaster, and author. She has released a couple of books about vegan bodybuilding including her latest one called “Jacked on the Beanstalk: Plant-Based Fuel for Vegan Athletes.”
I grew up in a small “hunting village” outside of Ottawa, Ontario in a log house in the middle of the forest. My mom was my biggest hero, always feeding the birds, raccoons & deer, taking in stray cats, and even raising orphaned baby squirrels. Sometimes we would have 30 deer behind our house and it would literally break our hearts to see them disappear every fall when hunting season was on. I just couldn’t understand how people could hunt and kill such beautiful, sweet creatures. So at the tender age of eight, I became vegetarian. I went vegan in 2011 when I learned more about the dairy industry.
11. Vanessa Espinoza

Vanessa Espinoza @plantbasedmuscle is a vegan bodybuilder, personal trainer, and 3-time Colorado Golden Glove state boxing champion. Today she owns a personal training business, specializing in strength and conditioning, boxing, and basketball skills.
Vanessa claims she turned to veganism after discovering the incredible health benefits associated with a plant-based diet. Ever since, she has been fascinated, motivated, and inspired by those who achieve such an incredible level of fitness by following a vegan diet.
“Most non-vegan athletes I meet are confused at first and always have a tonne of questions. Many people are just uneducated about where vegans get their protein. However, more and more people are now open to the idea when they learn about the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle. You can build muscle, strength, and do anything you want living a plant-based lifestyle.”
12. Laurel Annabel

Laurel Annabel @laurelbergeron is a vegan bodybuilder and powerlifting who shares her journey, meals, and workouts through her Instagram account.
She transformed her physique and stepped on stage for the first time in 2017 but decided to not compete again since she was struggling with an eating disorder.
“It doesn’t matter if you are a bodybuilder, mother, work full time, or none/all of the above. Feeling confident and sexy in your own skin means everything.”
13. Natalie Matthews

Natalie Matthews @fitveganchef is a vegan bodybuilder, fitness athlete, IFBB Pro competitor, a professional vegan Chef.
Through her Instagram profile where she has a big and loyal following, Natalie shares recipes, workouts, and tips to help others with their diet and vegan goals.
Natalie was born and raised on the beautiful island of Peurto Rico where she began surfing competitively at a professional level at the age of sixteen. She now lives in Houston, Texas with her husband where she trains and competes as a professional Bikini athlete.
Although I was a vegetarian since I was a young girl, my addiction to dairy resulted in bouts of hypoglycemia, severe acne, and extreme fatigue. In 2010 I met my husband, who shared an interest in fitness and compassionate living. My husband’s doctor recommended that he eliminate all dairy products to help with his chronic sinus problems which inspired us to adopt a vegan lifestyle and within a year we were thriving and free from illness.
14. Ella Mangers

Ella Mangers a.k.a sexyfitvegan is a popular female athlete and fitness coach who has been vegan for 25 years and a wellness professional for 12+ now. She has certifications in Personal Training from the National Academy of Sports Medicine and Wellness Coaching from the University of Miami.
Her journey started when she connected the food on her plate to the animal that it was and immediately vowed never to eat meat again. Her sense of compassion then lead her to transition to a fully vegan lifestyle and ultimately become a passionate vegan coach.
Eating should be an enjoyable way to fuel your body and ignite your taste buds. So many people obsess over counting calories and macros, or are stuck in a debilitating cycle of restricting and binging. I was one of those people! Learning to love myself, and develop a healthy relationship with food and fitness, was an empowering process that made me PLANT-strong in body, mind, and spirit.
15. Anastasia Zinchenko

Anastasia Zinchenko a.k.a sciencestrength is one of the very few female vegan powerlifters in the world. She is also a bodybuilder and badass scientist with a Ph.D. in biochemistry, a researcher in the field of sports nutrition and exercise science, coach, and creator of her own vegan protein pancake and waffle mix.
Her mission is to support vegans in gaining strength confidence and shaping their bodies in a sustainable and science-backed way.
I am vegan because I try to do the least harm possible; to myself, other people, the animals, and the environment. I believe that everyone can contribute to making this world a better place and the best place to start is with oneself:
16. Julia Hubbard

Julia Hubbard, known as jules_pro_figure is a British fitness athlete, Professional Bodybuilder, 3 x Universe, 3 x World Champion, 3 x Olympia Champion. She is also a vegan personal trainer and online coach and author fo the book ‘The Strong Vegan’.
As a member of the British bobsleigh team from 2006 to 2010, competing at the European and World Cups until the crash, she turned to bodybuilding and loved the experience so much that she has been competing ever since.
“I had thought about going vegan many times but always thought it would be too difficult as an athlete traveling a lot. The turning point was my health. I started having digestion issues and that doctors labelled as IBS but I was getting no better. I decided to have food intolerance tests done and it came back among other foods that I was intolerant to eggs and dairy. I did an elimination diet and my symptoms all but disappeared. So I decided then to go Vegan. Now I wish I’d made the switch sooner!”
17. Erin Fergus

Erin Fergus @veganfergiefitness is a personal training instructor and member of the Team PlantBuilt vegan bodybuilding team competing in bodybuilding and physique divisions. Erin loves helping others with their fitness goals (her profession is also to educate, inspire and train others.
Thanks to her training regimen and hard work she was able to accomplish to place first (1st) in: WNBF Fit Body AND OCB Women’s Physique and in doing so secured a Pro Card in EACH of these, something that no other vegan Bodybuilder has done.
I became vegan in March 2013 after many years of vegetarianism, and I began bodybuilding at the same time. I am fascinated by how well I perform on a plant-based diet, and educating others on its benefits while dispelling the myths associated with it is important to me. As a vegan, I am easily able to complete my heavy training load and recover more quickly, maintain a lower body fat percentage year round and I never, ever get sick!
Vegan Female Bodybuilder FAQ
1. What do female vegan bodybuilders eat?
Female vegan bodybuilders eat a whole food plant-based diet and track very closely their calories and macronutrients in order to manipulate their body composition.
Most female vegan bodybuilders train in cycles of bulking and cutting. During bulking season (off-season) they eat a surplus of calories with a high protein intake and moderate carbohydrates and fats to support muscle gain.
During cutting season (show season) they eat a diet with a caloric deficit, high protein, and lower carbohydrates and fats in order to lose body fat and show their muscles.
They sometimes also rely on supplements like vegan protein powder to achieve their high protein needs.
2. Can women build muscle on a vegan diet?
Yes, it is perfectly possible for women to build muscle on a vegan diet. The key to muscle building for vegan women is to follow a high protein diet with a caloric surplus and an exercise regime with lots of resistance training (weight lifting).
Check out this article for the 5 Keys to Building Muscle on a Vegan Diet.
3. What are the macros for a vegan female bodybuilder?
The macros for a vegan bodybuilder will depend on whether you are trying to gain muscle or lose fat at that moment as well as how strict or moderate you want your caloric deficit or surplus to be.
I recommend checking out this article for a step-by-step guide on how to calculate your exact macros
As you can see, there are many inspiring female vegan bodybuilders and you can also be one of them or achieve whatever your fitness goals are while eating a vegan diet.
I hope after reading this compilation, you are feeling more motivated to continue with your fitness journey, share the vegan messages, and show the world what is possible with a plant-based and compassionate diet.